Wirrals Biggest ever consultation will decide the future of Council Services.
Wirral Council has pledged to engage with residents, staff, stakeholders, businesses and commuity groups right across Wirral in a huge consultation process that will shape the future of council services.
Wirral Future be part of it will be the biggest consultation ever undertaken by the council to set budget priorities for the next financial year. The process will then be repeated annually so that the council can set its corporate objectives based on what is most important to residents.
The options for residents to consider will be developed over the next few weeks by independant working groups with wide representation including staff, service users, local businesses, voluntary and community groups.
The groups will focus on four different areas of work as follows: Children and young people, Adult Social Services, Living in Wirral, Ecomomy and Regeneration.
For further information: www.wirral.gov.uk/wirralsfuture.
The consultation is open from Monday 13th September to Sunday 31st October 2010.