Right to Repair

Right to Repair

All tenants have the right to apply for compensation if a qualifying repair is reported to the Association but not carried out within specified time scales.

The right applies to certain small emergency and urgent repairs (up to the value of £250) which might affect the health, safety or security of the tenant. These are called qualifying repairs.

The Association is required to classify all repairs as Emergency, Urgent or Routine and inform tenants of response times. Emergency and urgent repairs falling within the Right to Repair are set out, together with the Association’s agreed response times.

When a qualifying repair is reported to the Association by a tenant a repairs order will be issued. This will describe the repair together with the name of the contractor who will be doing the work and the date by which it should be completed. A copy of the repairs order will be sent to the tenant for information. It is important that the tenant keeps this copy safe because in the event of the tenant wishing to claim compensation they will be required to produce the copy order.

Should the repair not be carried out within the specified time scale, it is up to the tenant to notify the Association of such non-performance within three working days. The Maintenance Officer will issue a further repairs order to the contractor who will be instructed to complete the repair within the same time scale as the original order. A copy of the second repairs order will be issued to the tenant.

If the Association fails to meet the second deadline, the tenant is entitled to claim compensation of a £10 lump sum, plus £2 per calendar day (up to a maximum of £50) for every day the repair is outstanding after the end of the second period.

The tenant also has the responsibility to grant the contractor reasonable access for the repairs to be carried out. Should reasonable access not be granted, delaying the repair until after the specified time scale, then compensation is not payable under this policy.

Any claim under this policy must be made in writing within one month of the original date of completion.

Rent arrears or other monies due to the Association, will be offset against any compensation due under this policy.

Please note:  This policy does not give the tenants the right to carry out the repair and be compensated for the cost of doing so, nor does it give them the right to order repairs direct.

The Association is unable to consider any claim, or accept responsibility where a defect or fault is beyond the control of the Association, or a defect or fault caused as a direct result of abuse or misuse by an occupier or a member of their family or friends.

Qualifying Repairs

EMERGENCY REPAIRS   (Response on site within 24 hours of notification of fault to carry out temporary or complete repair)

  • Total loss of electrical power
  • Unsafe power, lighting socket or electrical fitting
  • Total loss of water supply
  • Blocked flue to open fire or boiler
  • Total or partial loss of space or water heating between 31st October and 30th April
  • Blocked or leaking foul drain, soil stack or toilet pan (where there is no other working toilet available).
  • Toilet not flushing (where there is no other working toilet available)
  • Leak from water or heating pipe, tank or cistern
  • Insecure external window, door or lock
  • Severe damage caused by gale, storm, lightening
  • Tenant locked out (OAP or disabled)

URGENT REPAIRS   (Response on site within 7 calendar days of notification to carry out temporary or complete repair)

  • Partial loss of water supply
  • Total or partial loss of space or water heating between 1st May and 1st November
  • Blocked sink, bath or basin
  • Tap which cannot be turned
  • Loose or detached banister or handrail
  • Rotten timber flooring or stair tread
  • Minor water leaks