Financial Matters

Value for Money

For Wirral Methodist Housing Association value for money (VFM) is:

-Providing Tenants and Customers an excellent service experience;
-Having results directly linked to the way we spend our money and
-Driving efficiency throughout the Association

Our strategic approach to VFM planning and transparency in reporting VFM to key stakeholders, we review our activities in line with the Regulator of Social Housing’s (RSH) Standard for Value for Money.

Our VFM objectives are:

-Excellent performance and customer service
-Best use of our assets and resources
-Maximising opportunities through procurement
-Maximising our social value
-Regulatory compliance and customer involvement

By applying these principles we can continue to be a valued organisation in the community.

Annual Accounts 2022-2023

Our Annual Accounts were approved were approved by the Board on 18th July 2023.

For more information see for the full Accounts: Final-Financial-Statements-signed

Final accounts – signed