Choice based lettings is a way of allocating social housing that gives the customer more choice about where they want to live. The Government has asked all councils to introduce Choice-based Letting schemes as the preferred way of allocating social rented housing.
Wirral Council, in partnership with a number of Housing Associations, has operated a Choice Based Lettings scheme known as Wirralhomes since 2003.The council has been working with the Councils of Halton, Liverpool, Knowsley and Sefton and more than 20 Housing Associations to develop a scheme across all of these areas. The new scheme will be called Property Pool Plus.
Choice- based lettings schemes have been operating in Liverpool, Sefton and Wirral for a mnumber of years, but it will be totally new for Halton and Knowsley residents.
The councils and Housing Association partners intend to adopt a common application form, a common housing register, a common allocations policy and a shared computer system. The aim is to offer a simplified, more accessible service for customers as well as creating efficiencies for partner organisations.
The Draft Merseyside Choice Based Letting Allocations Policy sets out how the new scheme will work. We are now consulting those potentially affected by the proposed changes which are outlined in the policy.
During the consultation Wirral Borough Council will be seeking the views of current and future social housing residents, organisations with clients in social housing and other stakeholders. This will be done through various channels including an online survey which can be reached via the link on this page.
If you`d like to have your say on the new policy you can download the draft policy on this page. Further information is avaliable in the consultation pack which can also be downloaded on this page.
The deadline for responses to the consultation is 14th October 2010.