Walkabouts Come and join us

Published 30th April 2021

Neighbourhood Walkabouts are taking Place in May and June 21

Walkabouts will help us work with tenants and residents to build stronger communities where residents can lead on or identify issues that may be cause for concern and so help improve your areas.

If you want to take part here is the link for more information Neighbourhood-schedule-of-walkabouts-MAY-JUNE-2021 

We want you to take pride in your area and to work with your Housing Officer  and other residents within the community, to make the area a safe and a well maintained place to live. The walkabout will help us to:

  • target areas of concerns
  • inform you of our role and how we work with partner agencies to resolve issues of concern and achieve mutual objectives
  • promote ways for you to become involved with the Association including influencing decision making
  • identify improvement for the external environment including opportunities to reduce anti-social behaviour (ASB)
  • provide active engagement for you
  • help develop plans for your area
  • work in partnership with other services in the area.

This  time round, the focus will be on tenant engagement.  We are hoping to engage with as many residents as possible during these walkabouts.

When taking part please follow social distancing guidelines.