We have produced a new Tenant Empowerment and Involvement Strategy 2021-2024 so that we put tenant engagement and involvement at the heart of everything we do.
We strongly believe that our tenants should have a real opportunity to influence and shape the services they receive from the association.
We want tenants to work with us. Your views matter to us and we want you to have a strong voice within our organisation and to be confident that we are open, honest and
transparent in everything that we do.
We have produced a document of promises that shows what we want to achieve . Please follow this link /wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Wirral-Tenant-Promises-final.pdf
Most importantly, we want to hear your views on our services and support we give so that we can understand how we can continually improve to meet your aspirations.
You can give us your feedback and share your views by
- emailing us at [email protected]
- by calling us on 0151 647 5471 or
- You can also tell us what you think by using My Home.