60 Years Celebrations
During April Wirral Methodist Housing Association is celebrating its 60 year anniversary. The association was borne out of the Wirral Methodist Church and was formed in April 1964. There is a full history of the Association in our about us section. We celebrated the occasion at Epworth Grange which is one of our sheltered housing schemes in Birkenhead. It was lovely to have lots of tenants, including one of our longest standing tenants, past and present board members plus various other stakeholders and local partners present. We were also joined by David Smith and Rev Noel Sharp from the Methodist church. It was an opportunity to look back at what has been achieved over the 60 years and also to look forward to the challenges and the opportunities of the future. Following the formalities the tenants at Epworth Grange enjoyed a great sing along with local musician …. We will continue the celebrations over the course of the year and conclude at our Annual General Meeting in September.