Queens Jubilee Grants Avaliable for Residents Holding Street Parties

Published 1st February 2012

To help bring people and communities together, and to celebrate a very special occasion, Wirral`s Area Forums are inviting community and voluntary groups – and even individuals with a suitable guarantor – to apply for up to £200 towards the cost of their very own Big Jubilee Lunch.
So whether you`re planning a street party, lunch in your community centre or Scout hut, or even a barbecue in your local park or allotment, Area Forum funding could help get your Big Jubilee Lunch off to a great start.
Download an application form for Area Funding support for your Big Jubilee Lunch.
You can also get lots of useful tips and ideas on the Big Lunch website.
The closing date for applications is 12 noon on Friday 16th March 2012.