Fairies move in to new WMHA home

Published 14th July 2016

We thought it would be nice to share my daughters story.
My daughter lives in a specially adapted property suitable for my disabled daughters needs. With the help of WMHA we tried to apply for a grant to help make the garden more wheelchair friendly but unfortunately we were turned down. So we got thinking of what we could do to make the garden a nicer place for her to spend time in.
Fairies have always been something she liked. So we started by visiting Burleydam Garden Centre and many various local shops. Burleydam were very kind and donated a broken terracotta pot as well as guiding her to sale items. Using items She had already been given and all sorts of old items we painted, potted, glued and eventually created a fairy garden. It has been a joy to see my daughter taking control of this project. We hope you have enjoyed reading about my daughters achievements and perhaps it will inspire you to create a fairy friendly garden too.!!Mother of WMHA resident.